
Byggwik São Paulo
+55 11 3501 9000
Byggwik Campo Limpo Paulista
+55 11 4038 5226

Byggwik Jacking System

Tank Repair

There is a version of the jacking system designed for existing tank interventions, including lifting, lowering, lateral changes of position to new foundations, all with speed and safety, permitting:

The installation of new floors or bases.

Application of anti-corrosion protection to the underside of the floor plates.

Annular plates’ repairs.

Level correction of tanks

Repairs of the base and adding environmental protection membranes to
avoid soil contamination and protect floor plates from corrosion.

Repairs or plate substitutions on the shell's lower plates.

Dismantling tanks, working at and near ground level and making the
reutilization of the removed plates feasible for use in another tank erection.

Re-positioning tanks to another location.